6. You are to create a headline about the 2nd-year digital classes in this program. The audience will be 1st-year students. Provide the headline and your reasoning behind it. (4 Marks)
Proposed Headline: "Unlock Advanced Digital Skills: What Awaits You in 2nd Year!"
Reasoning: This headline was created to engage first year students by making anticipation for what’s next in their program. The phrase "Unlock Advanced Digital Skills" signals growth and progress, making it clear that second year courses will elevate their abilities. The use of "What Awaits You" adds an element of curiosity, which increases engagement and encourages students to seek out more information. It also aligns with what we discussed in class about using action-driven and curiosity-inducing language in digital headlines to increase user engagement (Briscoe, W6 - A - Crafting Great Headlines, Slide 15).